There is a lot happening in Education at the moment.
Here are just a few things that may be relevant to our Candidates:
- World Book Day
- This is happening on the 7th March, an annual reading for pleasure campaign and celebration of authors, illustrators and books ran by a charity with a mission of promoting reading for pleasure. World Book Day About Us
- There are a range of resources available for schools to help promote and run a successful world book day. Ideas Archive – World Book Day
- There is a competition being held where three schools will win 600 books each. THREE schools can win a full set of 50 copies of each of the World Book Day 2024 £1/€1.50 books! – World Book Day
- DfE support available to enhance literacy in teaching
- The 34 English Hubs were selected for their expertise in teaching reading and to support schools in their surrounding area. Hubs will promote a love of reading and help schools provide excellent teaching in phonics and early language. They will focus on supporting the slowest progress children in Reception and Year 1 and ensure every child is successful, regardless of background, needs or abilities. Our nearest ones are Rotherham, Lincoln and Whitby.
- National Professional Qualifications for Leading Literacy trains teachers and leaders to become literacy experts. To find out more Leading literacy national professional qualification – GOV.UK (
- There is an interesting blog where colleagues at a Primary School in Rotherham discuss their approach to encouraging reading. You can read this blog here: How we’re encouraging children at our school to read for pleasure – Teaching (
- Mobile phone prohibitions
- Schools now have the power to prohibit mobile phones in schools. This is aimed at keeping children safe and improving behaviour
- The DfE published new mobile phone guidance last month and schools are now busy implementing new policies. Mobile_phones_in_schools_guidance.pdf (
- You will find in schools you visit for assignments, one of 4 policies in place
- Prohibition during the school day
- Handing in mobiles at the beginning of the school day
- Mobiles kept in secure location and not accessed throughout the day
- Never used, seen or heard – Some schools may choose to adopt a policy where pupils keep possession of their mobile phones only on the strict condition that they are never used, seen or heard!
You can access updates by subscribing to the DfE news. Department for Education – GOV.UK (