Mental Health Awareness Week 13 to 19 May

Mental Health Awareness Week 13 to 19 May

This week is UK Mental Health Awareness Week.

The Mental Health Foundation have been leading Mental Heath Awareness Week since 2001 and this years theme is ‘Movement – Moving more for our mental health’

This week is about a positive focus on improving mental health and each day millions of people including schools and further education will take part in raising awareness through activities and fundraising.

The theme of Movement is not an exercise campaign but emphasises that our bodies and minds are connected so looking after our bodies can help prevent problems with our mental health and help to release “feel good” hormones. There are so many different ways to find movement in our daily routines including:

  • Short brisk walks – Try this on your way to the carpark or sandwich shop
  • Side steps or marching on the spot – Try this while waiting for the kettle to boil or at the bus stop
  • Stand up regularly and stretch your body – Set a timer, move away from your desk at least hourly or stand while on the phone
  • Walk in nature – Try the local park, take a walk and count the trees on your housing estate or try a spot of gardening.
  • Play some of your favourite music – Whether you’re a dancer or not, moving, shaking, jigging up and down or just cleaning to music can be fun!

For more hints and tips check out the Mental Health Foundation website. Boost your mental health by moving more | Mental Health Foundation

If you are struggling with your mental health, please seek support:

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