Saying a thank you to our super Principal Resourcing Team!

Saying a thank you to our super Principal Resourcing Team!

Its a Principal Resourcing tradition to hold an annual Summer Bash towards the end of the academic year to say a huge thank you to our hard working team.

This year was no exception with our event being held at a fabulous farm in Tunstall East Yorkshire complete with pigs, horses, donkeys and acres of beautiful countryside!

Unfortunately due to the great British weather, this years event was held inside which actually added to the ambiance of our “Farm Fest” with a back drop of a huge shiny yellow combine harvester!

Food was provided by local culinary wizzes “The Foodies” and we had music from just down the road provided by the band Bone Muel.

We appreciate our team and this was our opportunity to give a little back as well as having a catch up and some team bonding across branches.

A great time was had by all!


We sure do have the best team in the business!


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